
Black Iron Inc. is the developer of the compelling Shymanivske iron ore pellet feed project located in Ukraine which is ranked by highly regarded market intelligence groups CRU and Wood Mackenzie as the top ranked undeveloped iron ore project globally. Iron ore has been the highest price appreciating mainstream commodity over the past year as governments globally spend billions on major infrastructure projects to stimulate their economy as part of COVID19 recovery.

The company will produce an ultra-high quality iron ore pellet feed that ranks in the top 4% for iron content globally and which is in strong and growing demand by international steel mills. Indeed, both economic factors and the imposition of increasingly restrictive global environmental regulations dictate that higher-grade iron ores will be highly prized by steel producers for many years to come.

Black Iron’s operating and capital costs will likely be very competitive. Unlike nearly all other start-up iron ore mines, all necessary infrastructure is in place and readily accessible. Black Iron has already signed letters of intent (LOI) for necessary capacity of power and water for processing, rail for haulage, and deep draft port facilities for shipping product to international markets.

Report Information

Author Hannam & Partners
Date May 10, 2021
Ticker TSX-V: BKI

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